Heroes of Normandie is a fun and light wargame. I have had this game for a couple of years and have played it a few times with my son. It's a great gateway game to more complicated games, and I always find myself coming back to it. The artwork always pulls me and my son loves playing 'Ze Germans. They always had the coolest looking tanks.
One problem with the game is the rules creep. This is a good problem. The game has brought many expansions and even "Spawned" a Cthulhu version called Shadows Over Normandie. Plus, there have been Gazettes and releases of terrain tiles and small expansions bringing in historical units. Lots of stuff. So much, that Iello and Devil Pig Games wrote a rules compendium.
I found one written review for the Rules Compendium and didn't see any Youtube videos for it. So I made a video for anyone that wanted to see what is inside the book. It is organized very well and presents the latest rules in a very colorful and beautifully presented hardbound book. Have a look and let me know what you think of the book!
One problem with the game is the rules creep. This is a good problem. The game has brought many expansions and even "Spawned" a Cthulhu version called Shadows Over Normandie. Plus, there have been Gazettes and releases of terrain tiles and small expansions bringing in historical units. Lots of stuff. So much, that Iello and Devil Pig Games wrote a rules compendium.
I found one written review for the Rules Compendium and didn't see any Youtube videos for it. So I made a video for anyone that wanted to see what is inside the book. It is organized very well and presents the latest rules in a very colorful and beautifully presented hardbound book. Have a look and let me know what you think of the book!