One of the first things I noticed in Chain of Command is that your movement is random and not a set amount. Depending on your movement choice, tactical, normal or all out, you roll dice to see how far you can move. This is modified for special terrain and buildings. I didn't know what to think of that until I played out a couple games and I really like the mechanic. Most games I have played allow for infantry, vehicles, cavalry, etc. to have a fixed movement rate which is modified by terrain. That works just fine. So why do i like the random roll? In a narrative element, it takes into account things like your teams willingness to move forward, how cautious they are moving based on perceived threat or even just how much more unsteady the environment is. Let's take a look at terrain and how it can affect movement. In most war games, movement for tanks is a fixed value based on tank. As you cross terrain, you subtract from the movement al...
A place to keep my collected thoughts on gaming, both on and off the table.